
LOLI Missions

Meet Marvin, An Unexpected Joy

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

You never know what you might encounter while out on distribution. Yesterday in Danli one team went high into the mountains to a remote area to serve the people with gifts of food, stuffed animals and ice cream. We went door-to-door inviting people to join us in a clearing not far away. That’s when we met Marvin. When we came to his home it was typical for the area with no indoor plumbing and one sink as the sole source of water. Marvin is 28 years old and suffers from cerebal palsey. He has minimal speech ability and has no use of his arms or legs. We told his mother that we would pay him a special visit after the meeting. We had a great time sharing the Lord with about 35 people before heading back to Marvin’s. When we arrived you could see Marvin’s face light up. He recognized…

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To The Ends Of The Earth

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Have you ever wondered how we select the areas we send distribution teams to once we arrive in a city like Danli? As we partner with local churches and pastors, we receive insight into which areas represent the greatest need. Then these areas are prayed for and together with the pastors we develop a schedule. In Acts 1:8 we read, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Sometimes we joke that we haven’t been to the end of the earth but we could see it from where we were. What does it take to be a witness for Christ? Simply being obedient to the Holy Spirit. For those of you who are called to be feet on the ground, if the ends of…

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All He Asks Is For Us To Be Available

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Have you ever considered what it takes to be a disciple? It’s not reaching a certain age. It’s not having a mastery of the Word. It’s not having a polished presentation. No, it is simply making yourself available. This week volunteers from all walks of life have joined together to minister to the people of Danli, Honduras. Bags of food, stuffed animals, Bibles and, yes, even ice cream have been distributed. As you would imagine, even the coldest heart can begin melting when a child demonstrates the love of Jesus through the giving of a gift. Once the door is opened and a conversation commences, it is amazing to witness the power of the Holy Spirit. People seek a new touch from the Lord. Others ask for prayer for themselves and their loved ones. Some ask Jesus into their hearts for the very first time! The transformation on many of…

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Pathway To The Cross

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

In Danli, Honduras there is a structure sitting on top of a mountain that is recognizable to almost everyone, a huge white cross. The advance team treked to the top of the mountain. The journey was difficult at times, tested our perseverance but the reward was more than worth it. There was a feeling of accomplishment and the view was a gift straight from the Lord. As we have traveled in and around Danli, we realize the cross is visible from almost any road we are on. The thought came to us, that as we are ministering to the people of Danli and pointing them to the Savior, how unique our different backgrounds, cultures and even our countries are. The one thing in common though is our need for the cross. As we serve the people with gifts of food, stuffed animals and even ice cream, we are demonstrating the…

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Preparing For Distribution

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Have you ever wondered how literally tons of food purchased locally in bulk gets repackaged for distribution to families across Central America? We are in Danli, Honduras for LOLI’s 26th crusade week. And this week, like so many weeks before, God has provided an unbelievable group of people who jumped in with true joy to help with distribution preparation. Look closely at the picture, can you tell what we are using for a scoop? That’s right an old gatorade bottle with the bottom removed. The creativity of the people is amazing. We actually have carried these same gatorade bottles from Nicaragua to Panama and now to Honduras. We are continually amazed by the true servant hearts we have encountered. Stay tuned for more insights and observations from the week…

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Advance Team Arrives In Danli, Honduras

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Happy Easter from Honduras. He is Risen! The advance team arrived in Danli, Honduras on Saturday and have been busy preparing for the arrival of the full team on Monday. Working with an awesome group of volunteers, bags of food including beans, rice, sugar, salt and corn meal have been assembled for distribution beginning on Tuesday. Check back often as we will be making regular updates.

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Rejoicing. Always.

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, after losing his wife Polly and his son George within two years of each other said, “It seems to me as if I had had a thousand road engines come over my life to break me up like a potter’s vessel. There is no other way into the deep things of God but a broken spirit.” WOW! In the midst of great loss, his perspective remained on target. He learned that, “enduring faith is built in the fire of trials.” Romans 5:3-6 tells us, “We have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope. And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out His love to fill our hearts.” If you have suffered loss or feel broken today, let me encourage you: God is near to the broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18). He is…

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Love Divine

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

It’s not common these days to listen to hymns. Our worship culture has shifted to use more contemporary songs in churches, and many of them I truly love. Still, there remains a special place in my heart for “old” songs. They represent the wells dug by a former generation, a people hungry for more of God to be visible in and through them so that they could reach their world. One example of this is “Love Divine,” by Charles Wesley. It’s fourth verse goes like this: “Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee; Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love and praise.” What a beautiful picture this song paints of the Bride of Christ! Pure and spotless, saved by grace,…

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That Your Faith May Not Fail

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

“I have prayed for you… that your faith may not fail.” ~ Luke 22:32 The only way that we as believers can receive anything from God is by faith. The Word of God is clear that a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways, and “should not expect to receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7).” This is why Jesus told Simon, “I’ve prayed for you, that your faith may not fail.” He knew that the devil was sifting Simon like wheat, meaning that he was being vigorously shaken by thoughts and experiences. You’ve felt that before, haven’t you? Circumstances come from time to time that shake us. We question ourselves, others – even God! We become unstable in our thinking, and it seems that our prayers stop at the ceiling. We can’t prevent sifting from taking place, but we can determine how we will respond to the…

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Be Known

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Philippians 4:5 reads, “Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.” (NKJV) You know how it is when something piques your interest. You have to look deeper into it and satisfy the craving of your mind to know more. This verse caught me, and I had to devote some time to refreshing my understanding of all it means. I checked a variety of translations and studied the etymology of the word. Here’s what I discovered: Unselfish. Considerate. Patient. Restrained. Fair and impartial. Reasonable. These are examples of gentleness. Not the first pictures that formed in your mind when you read the word, were they? Most likely, you thought of handling something tenderly and with care. I did! And while this is a part of gentleness, we must train our minds to recognize these other virtues as well. Gentleness considers others above itself. It holds back when…

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