It didn’t start out as the 3 Borders Crusade. For me, it started by hearing “Ocotepeque” in a time of prayer. I wasn’t the only one sensing that direction from the Holy Spirit. Our scouting trip gave confirmation that this was indeed the path forward. As the campaign began, our vision began to expand. What if we could impact all 3 nations? Both El Salvador and Guatemala were only a few miles away from this city in the southwest corner of Honduras. Pastors from both countries as well as Ocotepeque caught the vision. By the time the team arrived there were posters in all 3 countries advertising the 3 Borders Crusade.
Daily compassion ministry started off with a bang. The entire team returned the first day with big smiles. Many people had responded to the message of the gospel, receiving Jesus from house to house and in the streets. As the week continued, the salvation testimonies continued to roll in each day and people were being healed as well – including a lady who was blind in one eye having her sight instantaneously restored! The team ministered in evening church services in all 3 nations too. Families were restored, and people were saved, healed and touched by the Holy Spirit as He brought refreshing in the local churches.
For some reason, our hotel became heavily patrolled by armed security on Wednesday night. On Thursday after a meeting with the mayor we learned that high ranking government security officials from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala were having a meeting at the hotel – in fact they were meeting in the room we had been having our team devotions! Stephen wondered out loud if there was any way we could pray for them. The Honduran pastor who was with us went to work. He knew someone. Next thing we knew Stephen, Dennis, and I found ourselves walking into this meeting. All over the room everyone rose to their feet. The leaders of each country came forward, heads were bowed in reverence all over the room, and Stephen was given the privilege of praying over these leaders and their 3 nations, asking for the blessing of the Lord upon their work. How amazing that God in His sovereignty brought us to this very hotel to proclaim His kingdom and minister to the people of these 3 nations at the exact time that the governmental leaders were working together in unity for the region!
The weekend was a time of breakthrough and outpouring. At the crusade meeting on Friday night the salvation response was strong. We prayed extensively for miracles, for healing especially. However there were no public testimonies that night. The night felt successful but we yearned for more. The next morning was the first time we had ever held simultaneous pastors conferences in 3 countries. Alvaro preached over radio in El Salvador, Stephen brought the word in Honduras and the pastors were greatly touched. I spoke in Guatemala. There was only a small number of pastors there, but I sensed the Holy Spirit flowing through me as I spoke. A wonderful time of praying for the pastors – and them for us – ensued. It was a beautiful meeting. Afterward one of our team members said, with respect to the small turnout, “It makes you feel special that He invited you to be there.” A few hours later we had come to the final Saturday night fire service. It was simply an outpouring. Although the people in this region were quite reserved, Dennis called the pastors up to the platform and they began to dance and celebrate in praise as the second night of fireworks went off. Then the American team came up and joined in. The people began to really rejoice and praise the Lord. The word that Stephen preached was powerful, and again many responded to the call for salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Then a few moments later the fire of the Holy Spirit began to fall all over that field. As the people cried out to the Lord and opened their hearts to Him, the Spirit of God moved. This continued for quite awhile. Then the people began to line up to testify. Many had been healed. A lady had been almost crippled years ago by an injection gone wrong during a birth. She had suffered with back pain and partial paralysis all these years but had felt fire in her body and now the all the symptoms were gone! We heard her story through tears of gratitude. A young man had cut his forearm tendon with a machete and hadn’t been able to lift his arm. During the fire call as everyone was crying out to the Lord, he picked up his daughter so she could see – then suddenly realized he had lifted his arm! Now he was not only able to lift his arm but was also moving his hand and fingers in a way he had not been able to just minutes before. Many many more people came testifying of the healing touch of Jesus. So many, in fact, that when we left they were still lining up. It was an outpouring of God’s love! Most of these precious people came weeping, trembling, and testifying that they felt fire in their bodies as the Holy Spirit had touched them. Another wonderful thing was that they came from El Salvador, from Guatemala and from Honduras – all 3 nations – telling of the goodness of God and what He had done for them. What an awesome God we serve! Thank You Jesus for Your presence, for Your power, for Your mercy, and for so great a salvation!