“I have prayed for you… that your faith may not fail.” ~ Luke 22:32
The only way that we as believers can receive anything from God is by faith. The Word of God is clear that a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways, and “should not expect to receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7).” This is why Jesus told Simon, “I’ve prayed for you, that your faith may not fail.” He knew that the devil was sifting Simon like wheat, meaning that he was being vigorously shaken by thoughts and experiences.
You’ve felt that before, haven’t you? Circumstances come from time to time that shake us. We question ourselves, others – even God! We become unstable in our thinking, and it seems that our prayers stop at the ceiling. We can’t prevent sifting from taking place, but we can determine how we will respond to the sift! Just because your courage falters doesn’t mean your faith has to fail. Like Jesus, I pray for you that your faith may not fail. I want you to stand strong, knowing that if God led you to it, He’ll lead you through it. No problem is too hard for Him. No devil in hell is a match for Him. No miracle is too difficult for Him. He is all you need!
Settle your faith today by declaring your trust in a trustworthy God. Watch how He cares for you when you just believe!