Monthly Archives

January 2014

Bears On A Mission – A “Beary” Christmas In Panama!

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

On December 11th Stephen and a few leaders went to Panama City, Panama for the annual Bears on a Mission initiative. Each year in December, LOLI sends a team into the country that we will host the next crusade, in order to bless the children of that country. Specifically, we bless children in hospitals and orphanages. This year we were blessed to be able to go to Panama City, Panama. The team handed out over 350 stuffed animals to all of the children! The look on the faces of the children who receive the stuffed animals makes me understand how much of a blessing the teddy bears are to them. This truly is one of our favorite activities at LOLI! This year, we have a unique opportunity to do a secondBears on a Mission in January. The leaders in Colón, Panama, the city which at the other end of the Panama…

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