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December 2014

Christmas Blessings

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

“The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.” Rev. Billy Graham Wishing you a blessed Christmas season as you celebrate the gift of Jesus! We love you and can’t wait to see what God will do in and through you in the coming year! With Love, Stephen and Alisa Evans

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The Greatest Revival In History

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

In Jonah 3, we read that disobedient Jonah – you know, the one who ran from his calling – finally makes it to Ninevah. The city is so large that it takes three entire days to cross it! (Suddenly, Mexico City traffic doesn’t seem so bad!) It is filled with every kind of evil, and Jonah cried out to the people, saying, “Yet forty days and Ninevah shall be overthrown!” It was a simple message: doom is coming; you brought it upon yourselves. Here’s the amazing part: “So the people of Ninevah BELIEVED God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from the GREATEST to the LEAST of them (verse 4).” Even the king laid aside his royal robes to participate! By royal decree every man, woman, child and servant was commanded to take part in crying out to God in city-wide repentance! What an incredible revival, or awakening, the…

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Mexico Prays- A Church Transformed

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

One of the most powerful experiences we have during a crusade week is encouraging the local churches. During the first two days of distribution we visited a small church in an area called Kilometer 27 1/2. It was a very small church in a very poor area of Mexico City. The building was made of a simple concrete structure covered with a tin sheet roof. The interior was dark but inviting. There were chairs set-up for the congregation of 20. Pastor Eduardo, the senior pastor, became the senior pastor of this church about a year earlier. He and his small congregation have such a burden for their community that was demonstrated by their excitement during distribution. When we arrived, we prayed with the Pastor, his wife, and several members of his congregation. During the prayer, Pastor Eduardo broke down in tears. He told us that he had been waiting for…

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Mexico Ora Crusade

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Monday, November 17th, was the culmination of a powerful week of ministry as Light of Life International partnered with the pastors and churches of Mexico City in the 10th annual National Day of Prayer for Mexico. It was a privilege to join with believers in Mexico City on this occasion, which marked a decade of gathering together by the thousands to pray for their nation! The crowds began to arrive at noon at the Arena Ciudad de Mexico, a very modern facility that seats around 25,000 people. The meeting continued well into the evening as believers prayed, worshipped and heard the preaching of God’s Word. In the early evening, Stephen began to preach. The message was from 2 Chronicles 7:14, and it called the nation to humility, prayer, repentance and to seek the face of God. Tensions were high due to the 43 students that were killed recently, and a…

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