While most readers of this blog and most LOLI team members are familiar with the activities and stories that go along with a crusade, many are not familiar with all the preparation that goes into a crusade. This series of posts is designed to give you an insight into some of that preparation. If you read part 1 and part 2 of this series, you know what goes into the bags and where the food comes from, it’s time to share with you how we put all those bags together. It is quite a challenge to put together over 5,000 bags of food in just a few days. The process begins with converting the 50 pound bags of corn and the 100 pound bags of beans into 1 pound bags. This is the hardest and most tedious part of the process. It usually takes two to four people at a…
It is always amazing to me, when we load up 300 bags of food, where the Lord will take us. Oh we know we will be in Colon, Panama but where exactly? So many needy places…….where should we stop? And why here? We depend on the Holy Spirit for sure, but also as His instrument we have local pastors who have several locations they would like to touch and begin inroads into future ministry. Today was such an adventure. We had communicated to the pastor previously that since the need was so great that organizing a group ahead of time might be beneficial to all. And sure enough that happened. We came upon a neighborhood and decided to meet in a building we assumed might be a church but in a short amount of time the crowd was growing too large for it and we decided to move it outside….
While most readers of this blog and most LOLI team members are familiar with the activities and stories that go along with a crusade, many are not familiar with all the preparation that goes into a crusade. This series of posts is designed to give you an insight into some of that preparation. If you read Part 1, then you are familiar with the contents of the food bags we distribute during the crusade. During Panama Ora, we will distribute over 5,000 bags of food. That’s a lot of bags, and it’s even more when you think of the amount of each individual item that we need. In total, this is what we need to distribute 5,000 bags of food. – 5,000 pounds of corn – 5,000 pounds of beans – 5,000 bags of rice – 5,000 bags of sugar – 5,000 bags of salt – 5,000 bottles of…
Today we begin Panama Ora week. Teams from all around the country and Canada will converge on Panama City to call a nation to pray. It is going to be an awesome week of experiencing God at work. If you have read any of the previous blogs, then you know you can expect to read daily updates on Panama Ora and all the activities and stories that go with it. But what you haven’t read about and what most LOLI team members have never experienced are the stories and activities of the advance team that arrives the week before the crusade. One of the reasons you have not read about the advance team is because I do most of the blogging on the LOLI site, and I have never had the opportunity to go with the advanced team. That is, until this year. It is the week before Panama Ora,…