

Thursday, September 17

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Our recent crusade in Nicaragua, began on Friday night in Masaya. It was an amazing, powerful night in which the Lord touched and saved many people. There was a breakthrough of joy and rejoicing in Him that is, quite frankly, hard to describe! And on Saturday, there was a beautiful spirit of praise and worship, followed by miracles of healing and deliverance as more souls came to Christ. The altar was jam-packed each night! Glory to God! Friend, we couldn’t do this without you. Your prayers and your selfless giving make it possible for us to take the Gospel to nations, like Nicaragua, that desperately need to hear of Christ and His salvation. Thank you! Our victories for Jesus are YOUR victories. Each soul that comes to Christ carries YOUR name into the Kingdom of God, because your support enabled us to reach them! So, in a very real way,…

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Tuesday, September 15

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Have you considered the times in which we live? Our generation-more than any other-has the tools and the passion to take the Gospel to every tribe, city and nation. What a divine opportunity—to take the message of our Savior and King and broadcast it to the world! One-on-one evangelism is crucial and critical to winning our world. There were only 120 people in the Upper Room, but when they were touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit, power and courage flowed through them. They went out, spoke of the resurrection of Jesus, and things began to happen. The Bible describes it this way: “…they went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs” (Mark 16). The same is true for us today. The same Lord who was passionate for souls then is the same King who is passionate for souls…

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Thursday, September 10

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

On Monday, August 3rd, thirty of our team members arrived in Nicaragua. We were very happy to get busy once we were on the ground. Tuesday was also our first day of distribution, and we were all excited about that! Bags of groceries were divided among three teams to take to those in need in Masaya. Friend, to see the light in the eyes of these precious people when they receive bags of groceries touches the heart on such a deep level. They are so grateful for the very things we in the U.S. take for granted. It really puts things in perspective! We continued to distribute food, toys and flip-flops on Wednesday and Thursday as well. YOU are a part of this. Through your giving, souls are saved, people are delivered from addictive behaviors and hopelessness, children and their families are fed and clothed. Consider for a moment that…

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Tuesday, September 8

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Already we are praying and working towards a massive, national Gospel campaign in 2016. Keep your eye out for the dates and details of this Central American trip – they are coming soon! But there is more news. We are expanding our reach this Fall. We are returning to where the dream of mass evangelism first ignited in my heart. Yes, LOLI is going to Africa for a 4 night evangelistic crusade! The fire burning in our hearts is to reach as many people for Jesus as we can, while we can! That is why we are going back to Nicaragua and also Costa Rica before the end of September and on TV later this month here in the United States. To quote the cover of Fire Starters and Rain Crusaders: “A fire was started that no rain can quench!” Will you help us? It’s been a good start, but…

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Tuesday, September 1

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! We recently returned from the Masaya, Nicaragua crusade trip. It is amazing to us that this marks the 27th time we have led a team into a Central American or Caribbean country for a Gospel campaign week. The compassion aspects of the week have led us into some of the most challenging communities– alongside riverbanks, in trash dumps, on mountain ridges, in gang- infested urban areas, to small ocean islands, and squatter villages. In these poor and sometimes remotes areas, your prayers and gifts have brought hope and salvation. The groceries handed out are often made up of: beans, rice, corn, oil, and flour for tortillas. These supplies will last a household for about a week. The teddy bears, stuffed animals and ice cream are also a huge blessing. But the most important thing about these compassion outreaches is what often happens…

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Thursday, August 6

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Friend, if you have walked away from God, if you hope in Him a little less or if, perhaps, you’ve gotten a little too proud, it’s never too late to come back to Jesus. If you know somebody today who is battling discouragement, if they seem overwhelmed, then this is the word for you: It’s not too late to come back to Jesus. As a matter of fact, there is a scripture in John chapter 11 that talks about Lazarus–you know the story- how Jesus raised him from the dead. Lazarus has been dead for days, Jesus comes in and Martha says to Him, “If you had been here earlier, Jesus, my brother would not have died.” Jesus is vexed by that as He walks a little further into the house. Mary comes out next and says, “Jesus, if only You had been here earlier, my brother would not have…

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Tuesday, August 4

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

Jesus is doing some incredible things on the earth today. I want to share a story with you: There was a lady attending a Saturday night crusade in Honduras who had severe stomach pains. She was behind the platform, doubled over, and two ladies on the team went to her thinking she was in great agony. The ladies didn’t speak Spanish very well, so they were just trying to comfort her, to love on her a little bit. One of our interpreters finally made it over to that particular area behind the stage where this lady was bent over, sobbing and asked her what was the problem. It turned out that she had this severe stomach malady for twenty-six years. Not a day had gone by that she wasn’t in great agony, with no relief, and no kind of pain medicine she could take to help her. That night in…

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Thursday, July 30

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

My heart is full today. There is so much that I would share with you- so many things that happened this week alone. God has given us a road map for Latin America that is more ambitious than anything I could ever have dreamed or imagined, but here’s the key: If it was based upon my abilities, my energy or my passion, it would surely fail. But the truth is, God has never once rebuked me for a big vision. I want young people to hear this especially: “Stephen, you want to take all of Latin America in the next ten years?” Absolutely! Here’s where the rebuke comes from: The motivation…The why. Is it so that I can be propped up? Then Jesus has a problem with that. Is it so that I can be promoted in the eyes of men and women? Jesus has a problem with that. But…

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Tuesday, July 28

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

I believe that this generation, more than any other, has the tools and the passion to accomplish what has never been dreamed of before- to go to every tribe in every country and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the technologies, communication outlets, and various means of travel—there is no reason why we cannot take this assignment from the throne room of God himself into the world and see nations transformed. One-on-one evangelism is as crucial and critical today as it has ever been. Friend, there were only 120 people in the Upper Room, but they encountered the resurrection life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fire of the Holy Spirit empowered them. They went out from that room and things began to happen -people were added to the church. Those who were in the Upper room were called “people who turned the world upside down.” The…

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How Did You Get That Job – Part 4

By | LOLI Missions, Uncategorized

I flew to Orlando two days later to meet Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. I remember everything—the drive from the airport, sitting in the reception area, and looking at the big pictures on the wall full of massive crowds and testimonies of the saving and healing power of God. I kept trying to grasp the enormity of what was going on: I was about to interview face-to-face with Reinhard Bonnke! The speed at which everything was moving had left me breathless. First came the email. Then a flight, and walking through the front doors—everything was happening so fast! Sitting in the reception area, I was scrambling to get my mind around what I was doing there. Was this really happening? Siegfried, the director over their Full Flame media group, suddenly appeared, and I stood up and shook his hand. He warmly welcomed me to Christ for all Nations. We walked by more…

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