Thank you for standing with us in prayer! We recently returned from the Masaya, Nicaragua crusade trip. It is amazing to us that this marks the 27th time we have led a team into a Central American or Caribbean country for a Gospel campaign week. The compassion aspects of the week have led us into some of the most challenging communities– alongside riverbanks, in trash dumps, on mountain ridges, in gang- infested urban areas, to small ocean islands, and squatter villages. In these poor and sometimes remotes areas, your prayers and gifts have brought hope and salvation. The groceries handed out are often made up of: beans, rice, corn, oil, and flour for tortillas. These supplies will last a household for about a week. The teddy bears, stuffed animals and ice cream are also a huge blessing. But the most important thing about these compassion outreaches is what often happens after the food and bears have been distributed. People want to know why? Why did you come, why would you share such meaningful gifts? The answer has often changed a life or family forever! This is what makes distribution so meaningful – sharing the love of Jesus, praying for the people, and introducing them to local pastors. Thank you for coming on our trips to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for praying for favor, open doors, and a soul harvest. Thank you for generously investing into LOLI to reach even more people with the Good News. You are our heroes!