It’s now been almost a week since the advance teams arrived here in Honduras. We have seen God do so much, and there is still more work to be done!
This has been our largest crusade ever, with more than 150 people here on the ground from around the world. Everyone is “all in” at this point, with hundreds of thousands of souls here in San Pedro that need Jesus.
Yet the need is still so great, and even our largest teams are overwhelmed with the needs of the people. At the beginning of the week we loaded up more than 6,000 bags of food, which the Lord has multiplied and used in a mighty way!
If you have a heart for missions, would you consider partnering with us to spread the gospel? We would love to hear from you on our website or through Facebook. There is also a short YouTube video below, shot by one of our teams this week.
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. – Luke 10:2