We began today, as we will begin every day, with devotions. After a briefing on the details of the day, we set out to bring the message of the Kingdom of God.
This is the day we have been waiting for for over a year. Since Honduras in July 2012 we have been waiting for another crusade mission. Now, here it is. Today we went on our first of four days of distribution.
There are five teams who went to five different villages around Managua, the Capitol of Nicaragua. The goal for each team is to distribute 300 bags of food, hundreds of stuffed animals, and to bring the message of the Gospel to all we encounter. It is as much a blessing to us as it is to those whom we bless.
It is an awesome experience to walk up to a home in the middle of the most impoverished areas of a third-world country and realize that the Lord has appointed you to bring the message of salvation to someone you have never met, and probably will never meet again this side of heaven. Many stories of divine appointmentscome out of these encounters, and today was no different.
The first stop on distribution is to load the bus with the bags of food. We also meet the local pastor who will guide us where we are to distribute the food to the people. These area are usually the poorest areas of the country.
As the teams go door to door in the villages, there are countess stories of the power of the Gospel moving in the lives of people. We literally speak to hundreds of people each day.
In those conversations we see what only God can do through the power of the Holy Spirit. Here are just a couple of stories that I personally experienced today.
While going door to door we met Esperanza. She knows The Lord, but she asked us to pray for her sons and daughters to have an encounter with Jesus. (Esperanza is the woman on the left)
About 30 minutes later we went to the house of Carolina. We shared the Gospel with her and she accepted the Lord into her life. As we were leaving, we discovered that she was the daughter of Esperanza.
Not only did we have the privilege of praying for a concerned mother for her children to come to the Lord, we were able to be part of that answer by sharing the Gospel with her daughter. Praise God!
Later we came to the house of two sisters. We shared the Gospel with both of them and they both asked Jesus to be their Lord. One sister was suffering from pain in her chest.
She said that she had been suffering with the pain for a while, and she was afraid of what it was. We prayed for her and she was healed of the pain!
Praise God. She was so excited and thankful for the blessing of the Lord in her life. These are just two stories of the multitude of encounters people has with Jesus.