He will spare the poor and needy, and He will save the souls of the needy (Psalm 72:13)
We Needed More Food!
3 distirbution teams spent four days (Tuesday – Friday) taking food to families living in trash dumps, on dried up river banks, and other places off the beaten path. And although we had a plan for how many bags of beans, rice and other essentials would be handed out, by mid-week it became clear that the need was even larger than we had imagined. Alan and Bruce quickly formulated a strategy to bring in more food and have them packaged in time for the morning team assignments on Thursday. What a joy to spend the last two days giving it all away!
More Than Enough
The smiles, the hugs and the personal contact with those living in extreme poverty will change your life. You will want to stay longer, do more, and at the end of the trip wonder: how did they leave you with more than what you gave away! These are beautiful people – and when one team member heard one of the Christians living in the trash dump say they have more than enough because of Jesus, it was overwhelming.
The Story of Jonah
What do you get when you put a bunch of grown adults with some of the cutest children in the world? Joy! Consider Kelsea’s team: who used the story of Jonah to tell the kids in one barrios about the Gospel. As she related the story, pastors and adults spontaneously became whales and seamen! They had such a great time that this became their community strategy for the remainder of the week. And the Lord blessed it as many kids and adults made a decision for Jesus!