God Showed Up In Cofradia – by Nita New
The team is back and we are filled with so many good things we can’t even begin to describe! We saw the Lord do many wonderful things. One thing that I have heard repeatedly from all the team members is how there was such a sweet bond and unity among us as a team. This is wonderful because when you have a team of 53 people that can easily not be the case. I know you prayed for us and it was truly felt. It was almost like there was a special touch on this aspect of the trip. …
The Friday and Saturday night crusade meetings were amazing! I was so moved when we drove up to the field and we could hardly get to the stage because there were so many buses there! We had one of our largest crowds ever on Friday night! They estimated over 20,000 people! The Friday night altar call was packed with people shoulder to shoulder. I was told that people were coming from the back and the crowd was so thick that they had to go around to the side to get to the front.
It was so moving to see these people flood to the altar to meet Jesus! I think it was the largest salvation response we have seen to date! There were many testimonies of healing and deliverance. When Stephen began making declaration against the powers of darkness on Friday night there were many visible manifestations of demonic activity all throughout the crowd. Many were set free because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil!
One of the highlights for me was the women’s conference. We prayed for all the ladies and obviously God was touching them. I asked for testimonies before we left and one lady came up and said that she had pain in her neck for months and that her eye had been twitching non stop for about 3 weeks and she felt it was related to the neck problem. When Paula prayed for her the pain was gone completely!
I had asked Amy to sing the song “Healer” in Spanish and there was much opposition to this happening before and at the conference. I felt strongly that this was going to be an important part of the conference and that it was going to stir faith in the ladies because I was going to give a testimony of Amy’s hip being healed when she was a baby.
When we got to the church the power was out and there was no keyboard and no one to play guitar. I asked her if she would sing it acapella but she said no because she sings too softly. I thought it wasn’t going to happen. Then at the very end of my message just after the salvation altar call a lady brought me a bull horn to help us speak louder.
I called Amy up and asked her if she would sing the song through the bull horn. She said “Yes.” I held it for her while she sang the song and it was really sweet. That night at the crusade a lady came up to testify that at the women’s conference that morning she was healed.
She said that she had been having a lot of pain in her left arm and she couldn’t even raise it, but while the little girl was singing the pain completely left her and she was healed and able to use her arm again! I love this life with Jesus!