I flew to Orlando two days later to meet Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. I remember everything—the drive from the airport, sitting in the reception area, and looking at the big pictures on the wall full of massive crowds and testimonies of the saving and healing power of God. I kept trying to grasp the enormity of what was going on: I was about to interview face-to-face with Reinhard Bonnke!
The speed at which everything was moving had left me breathless. First came the email. Then a flight, and walking through the front doors—everything was happening so fast! Sitting in the reception area, I was scrambling to get my mind around what I was doing there. Was this really happening?
Siegfried, the director over their Full Flame media group, suddenly appeared, and I stood up and shook his hand. He warmly welcomed me to Christ for all Nations.
We walked by more jaw-dropping wall portraits of the African crusades, and I was sure my heart was about to explode. It didn’t help that the few office staffers I met along the way smiled knowingly. I barely heard any of their names but promised I would learn them if I survived the next forty-five minutes.
In Reinhard’s office suite, Peter Van den Berg, the president of CfaN, shook my hand, and the three of us sat down. Before me was a long rectangular table, with an empty seat. I tried to relax and make a good first impression. But just when I felt like I had my breathing under control, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke came striding into the room, full of energy and purpose. I was overwhelmed!
I called Alisa three hours later and couldn’t hide my disappointment. I had just blown the chance of a lifetime. I had failed to get comfortable in front of such influential men—failed to connect, failed to communicate. I felt sick.
I’m not sure what type of response I expected from Alisa, but I definitely did not get it. I could hardly believe my ears when she said, “Stephen, that is exactly what I was praying for!”
Alisa pushed forward. All day she had felt if I walked into that interview and wowed them with my experiences, family, or personality, then we would always face the temptation to take credit for the hire. But since the interview seemingly blew up in my face, we had to look to Jesus for our future and trust that the Holy Spirit would speak clearly into Reinhard’s heart.
It took several long days to learn our fate. But when Siegfried called to welcome us to the CfaN family, a new direction for us was cast, along with the opening to a whole new wonderful world.
We are amazed and humbled at how God has blessed our lives. We want you to experience the fullness of His presence and blessings as well. If that is your desire, say “Yes” to Jesus and follow His leading. Like Alisa and I, you will be glad you did!
[Italicized portion excerpted from Fire Starters and Rain Crusaders. Get your copy today by following the link at loli.org]