If you didn’t have a chance to attend this years LOLI banquet, you definitely missed the best one yet. This year LOLI is celebrating 10 years of ministry. The focus of this year’s banquet was on where LOLI has been, were we are, and where we are going. There have been a lot of memories made over the last ten years, but it all started with a dream back in 2004.
After spending time with Reinhard Bonnke, Stephen Evans returned to the U.S. with a desire for crusade ministry. He and Alisa began praying and asking God how and where to begin. They felt like the two spies in Exodus who believed God. They also felt the Lord gave them the same promise He gave Moses in Exodus 23 by telling them He would fulfill this dream little by little. And that is exactly what has happened. LOLI began with a dream and 10 years later has become and international crusade ministry. WOW! “There’s nothing like life with Jesus,” as we say in LOLI.
As good as the past has been, what is happening right now in LOLI is amazing. In 2012, the Lord took LOLI to a whole new level in crusade ministry. Prior to 2012, LOLI had been holding regional crusades in cities, towns, and villages throughout Central America. But in July 2012, we had our first national crusade, Honduras Prays. This was the first time we had ever called an entire nation to pray. It was truly a pivotal moment for LOLI. During Honduras Prays we saw God do some amazing things:
• Over 10,000 people responded to the call for salvation
• The president of the country attended the crusade and called on God for help
• The crusade was broadcast live via TV and radio to the entire nation
It was an awe inspiring time for LOLI. But it didn’t stop there. In 2013, the Lord opened the door for LOLI to hold Nicaragua Prays. Again, we saw the Lord draw an entire nation to Him in Prayer. And in 2014, God didn’t just open one door, He opened two. In March of this year, LOLI led the entire nation of Panama to pray, and on the 17th of this month, LOLI is calling Mexico to pray! And we are just getting started!
As exciting as the present is, Stephen challenged us to dream bigger. He shared what the Lord has put in his heart for the next ten years. Here are just a few of the details he shared at the banquet.
2015-2025 LOLI Vision
• 1 Million Latin American Intercessors
• Central America Prays
• All 7 countries come together the same night – simulcast all together
• 250,000 in attendance – broadcast live to everyone in each nation
• 40 Million souls won to Jesus Christ
WOW!! That is a big vision. But as Stephen reminded us, we serve an even bigger God! If you thought the first 10 years of the LOLI ministry were exciting, just get ready for the next 10 years!
This was truly a night to remember. But we didn’t just remember what has happened, we remembered that the God who started all of this will be faithful to complete it! All Glory be to Him! We would love for you to be part of the LOLI team as we begin our next 10 years of ministry. For more information on LOLI and how you can join email us at info@loli.org.