One of the most exciting aspects of a Light of Life International crusade week is experiencing divine appointments. These are very special encounters that people have with the Lord that we get to experience. On Friday of the Mexico Prays week, we experienced one of those divine encounters. A woman who was ready to give up on life, discovered real life.
During distribution, one of our LOLI teams went to a neighborhood park that was surrounded by apartment buildings. As the team set up in the park, the members of the local church went into the apartments to invite people to come to the park to hear about the love of God. The team ended up preaching the Gospel to over 100 people that day and most of them made a decision for Jesus. But there was one particular woman who shared with one team member her divine encounter.
About 20 minutes before the team began preaching the Gospel in the park, this woman was sitting in the kitchen of her apartment. She was holding a knife with the intention of killing herself. Just before she did, she heard a knock on the door of her apartment. She then heard a voice say in Spanish, “there is something better than what you are about to do.” She went to the door but no one was there. As she looked out the door, she saw people walking toward the park. She didn’t know why they were going there, but she decided to walk over to the park to find out. When she arrived at the park she saw the LOLI team and heard the Gospel. She accepted Jesus and the desire to kill herself went away! She told the LOLI team member that she was so grateful for us coming to preach the Gospel. Thank You Jesus!
After the team finished for the day, they asked the local church members if they had knocked on the apartment doors in the area where this woman lived. They all said that none of them had gone to that part of the apartment complex. WOW! Not only did this woman have a divine encounter, it was one solely initiated by the Lord!
This is just one of a multitude of stories that LOLI team members have shared from their experience during distribution here in Mexico, and in other countries. It is truly a blessing to be able to see first hand God’s love reaching out to people in miraculous ways.