I must have read the email a dozen times before printing it out and walking into Dad’s office. I closed the door behind me, an unspoken sign between the senior pastor and his son that we needed to talk immediately.
I had received an email from Suzette [Hattingh] that something had changed. I handed the paper to Dad and watched him read every word. The expression on his face mirrored the emotions I, too, experienced when the email first arrived. Neither of us could believe it—how could this be happening?
Suzette had received a confidential phone call from Reinhard Bonnke. He asked if she knew anyone who could serve as his personal assistant. He needed someone at his side daily to handle contacts, accompany him to meetings, assist behind the scenes at the crusades, and help with anything that came up pertaining to him personally. She told him yes.
The timing was nothing less than the invisible hand of God dropping the gift of a lifetime directly into my inbox! Suzette had told Reinhard about me, then sent me the email saying she could not think of a better way to learn crusade ministry than serve one of the giants of the faith and experience personally the African mass crusades. Oh, and I had a personal interview set for Friday.
This is another excerpt from Fire Starters and Rain Crusaders, my new book, which you can order by visiting loli.org and clicking on the link. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn how God can use ordinary people, like you and me, to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom!
Friend, when we say “Yes” to God, He throws wide open the doors to amazing opportunities to serve Him. I am no exception to the rule. If you desire to serve the Lord, then pray, seek His face and praise Him: And expect Him to move in a mighty way!