“How did you get that job!” someone asked me after learning I served with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in Africa. It is the first thing people want to know when they hear the stories of traveling with him to the massive Nigerian crusades and meeting people from all over the world.
There was no Facebook posting, no resumes requested to find a person qualified enough to work with Reinhard. If so, I’m sure it would have generated countless entries and I would have missed the opportunity of a lifetime.
Instead, it happened almost by accident. Looking back, though, it was more than chance or good luck. It was destiny.
I first met Suzette Hattingh at lunch with my dad. It did not take long listening to her stories about Reinhard and Anni Bonnke or her deep passion for prayer to become aware of a hunger growing inside my soul.
No one at the table could doubt the reality she had touched something—or more accurately, Someone had touched her. Suzette was full of contagious faith and fire.
She was also the first person I had ever heard talk about the humbling of Jesus—leaving heaven and shrinking Himself to fit into His creation. Her vivid imagery of the love of God stirred my heart and deepened the longing to do something significant for God.
After speaking at the Friday night missions banquet, Suzette sat down at our table. She asked if the sanctuary could be opened the next morning so she could pray. A moment later she added that people were welcome to join her. That seemingly innocent addition was birthed of the Holy Spirit, because it is what changed the course of my life forever.
This is an excerpt from my new book, Fire Starters and Rain Crusaders. If you’d like to read more, visit loli.org and order your copy today. We know you will be inspired to be a mover and a shaker for the Kingdom of God!